A friend recently asked me “When do [silverlight] xap files get downloaded and when are they cached [in the browser]?”
So, using fiddler, I set out to find that answer:
Here are my test results.
To prepare, I deleted my temporary internet files and closed my IE window so there is no iexplore process running on my computer.
- I load a new IE window - xap is loaded from cache
- which I found odd because I thought deleting the files would have wiped my temporary internet files
- I refresh the page (F5) - xap is loaded from cache
- I force refresh the page (Ctrl+F5) - xap is loaded from cache
- I do a clean and rebuild my solution, making a new xap file
- I refresh the page (F5) - xap is loaded from cache
- I force refresh the page (Ctrl+F5) - xap is loaded from cache
- I close my IE window so there is no iexplore process running on my computer
- I load a new IE window - new xap is download from server
- I refresh the page (F5) - xap is loaded from cache
- I force refresh the page (Ctrl+F5) - xap is loaded from cache
- I close my IE window so there is no iexplore process running on my computer
- I load a new IE window - xap is loaded from cache
Therefore, my testing shows a new xap is downloaded next time IE is restarted on the client.
Hope that helps someone.