Every so often I’ve used the jQuery plugin called “Boxy”
Today I ran into an issue: The content I gave boxy would not display / show on the page.
Here was my incorrect code:
1: new Boxy("Justin Kohnen is the best programmer ever!",
2: {
3: closeText: "close"
4: , title: "Shout out."
5: , unloadOnHide: true
6: });
After reading the fantastic manual I found: (underline added for emphasis)
The content passed to the constructor can be any valid parameter to jQuery's $() function - a DOM element, an HTML fragment or another jQuery object. Whatever is provided will be set to display: block and have the class boxy-content added prior to its insertion within the dialog.
The key here was raw text is not a “valid parameter to jQuery’s $() function.”
So my fix is simply to wrap my text in a <p> tag. Making it an HTML fragment
Here is the corrected code:
1: new Boxy("<p>Justin Kohnen is the best programmer ever!</p>",
2: {
3: closeText: "close"
4: , title: "Shout out."
5: , unloadOnHide: true
6: });
Simple, but silly problem.
I hope this helps someone.