Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to dynamically load a JavaScript file.

How do you dynamically load a JavaScript file? With JavaScript of course!

   1: function loadjsFile(filepath) {
   2:      try {
   3:          var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0); 
   4:          var t = document.createElement('script'); 
   5:          if ('object' != typeof(t)) {
   6:               t = document.standardCreateElement('script');
   7:          } 
   8:          t.setAttribute('src', filepath); 
   9:          t.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); 
  10:          h.appendChild(t);
  11:      } catch(e) { alert('Error: ' + e); }
  12: }
  14: // ...
  15: // Later in your code
  17: loadjsFile("MyDynamicScript.js");

In fact, dynamically loaded JavaScript is the basic concept for Bookmark Applets (a.k.a Bookmarklet)

With just a few tweaks you can make your own bookmarklet.

<a href="javascript: (function () { try { var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0); var t = document.createElement('script'); if ('object' != typeof (t)) { t = document.standardCreateElement('script'); } t.setAttribute('src', 'http://www.JustinKohnen.com/bookmarklet/BlogPostBootstrap.js'); t.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); h.appendChild(t); } catch (e) { alert('Error: ' + e); } })();

If you are concerned about caching, you can always append a timestamp to your script reference.

<a href="javascript: (function () { try { var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0); var t = document.createElement('script'); if ('object' != typeof (t)) { t = document.standardCreateElement('script'); } t.setAttribute('src', 'http://www.JustinKohnen.com/bookmarklet/BlogPostBootstrap.js?x=' + new Date().getTime()); t.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); h.appendChild(t); } catch (e) { alert('Error: ' + e); } })();

Here, try it. Drag this hyperlink up to your bookmark bar and click it. After a few seconds, you should see a special message from me to you.


Cheers and happy coding,




If you load reference JS files within Bookmarklet JavaScript you may introduce a race condition. This is why my little demo takes a second to load. I had to put a delay to allow for my reference files to download. And even still, it might not work on slower internet connections.
