Some of you may have noticed my blog posts have actually increased as of late. Why? I used to use Blogger's online editor and the trouble I had with it really pushed me away from writing posts. I want my posts to look just the way I want, and the editor kept taking liberties with my visual formatting. SO FRUSTRATING!
So I posted the query to Twitter:
"I'm taking a poll: What is your favorite blog editor?"
Since then I've started using, you guessed it, Windows Live Writer.
So far I'm loving it, every post I've made matches the preview. Just like a WYSIWYG should. I've also started playing with the "Plug-ins."
I've recently added Insert Code Plug-in. Awesome! No more images of code for me. Here's a sample of what it does:
Inserting HTML Code (but I'm using XML):
<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services>
Inserting C#:
public static void SomeMethod(string someString)
Inserting TSQL:
CREATE PROCEDURE someStoredProcedure
@someMsg varchar(256) = NULL
I can only imagine what other tools will be coming out in the future. So for right now Windows Live Writer is for me.