Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Regular Expression Negation for Required Field Validators

Out of the box ASP.NET regular expression validators have the following behavior:

Does control value match regular expression? If yes validation passes, else validation fails.

But what if you wanted the following:

Does control value NOT match regular expression? If yes validation passes, else validation fails.

Turns out there is no "If expression not match" property on a regular expression validator. Now, you can make your own custom regular expression control, or you can buy a toolset. But it turns out you might be able to do it in your regular expression itself.

This can be accomplished by using something called a Negative lookahead assertion. It succeeds if the contained expression doesn't match at the current position in the string.

The syntax is


For example, say you wanted to prevent users from using an email address that contained "@spam.com". You could use the following RegEx:


Now your regular expression validator will pass if their value does NOT match the regular expression.

Regular Expression are extremely powerful, and I encourage everyone to learn about them. If you can master them, consider yourself a superhero.

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